Get Group Entries by Search Criteria - GET /LDAPServers/{id}/GroupEntries

Get LDAP Server group entries according to specific search criteria.

The ‘Manage Authentication Providers’ permission is required to execute this API.


  1. GET /LDAPServers/{id}/GroupEntries and get LDAP Server group entries according to specific search criteria
  2. PUT /LDAPServers/{id}/RoleMappings and update LDAP role mapping details.
  3. PUT /LDAPServers/{id}/TeamMappings and update LDAP team mapping details.





Media Type (header):

Authorization: Bearer <access token value>
Accept: application/json;v=1.0



id=[integer] - Unique Id of the LDAP Server
nameContainsPattern=[string] – Group name contains pattern (e.g. cn)

Success Response:

Code: 200 Success

Error Response:

Code: 400 Bad Request
Code: 401 Unauthorized
Code: 403 Forbidden
Code: 404 Not Found

Sample Response:

    "name": "string",
    "dn": "string"


Retrieves LDAP Server group entries according to the specified search criteria. If the request fails, it returns an error response.

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