Update a Windows Domain - PUT /WindowsDomains/{id}

Update Windows domain details according to Windows Domain Id.

The ‘Manage Authentication Providers’ or ‘Manage System Settings’ permission is required to execute this API.


  1. GET /WindowsDomains/{id} and get details of a Windows domain
  2. PUT /Users/{id} and update Windows domain details





Media Type (header):

Authorization: Bearer <access token value>
Content-Type: application/json;v=1.0



id=[integer] - Unique Id of the Windows domain

windowsDomainViewModel=[body]: Specifies the Windows domain details to update
name=[string] - Windows domain name. The domain name is used to authenticate a user (i.e. domain\username)
fullyQualifiedName=[string] - Windows domain fully qualified name. Used to verify that an LDAP user exist in the relevant domain

Success Response:

Code: 204 Success

Error Response:

Code: 400 Bad Request
Code: 401 Unauthorized
Code: 403 Forbidden
Code: 404 Not Found

Sample Response:

no content


Updates the Windows domain details according to the defined parameters. Once the request is successful, it does not return any content. If the request fails, it returns an error response.

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