Configuring a Non-default Location for Management and Orchestration and CxSAST Component Data (v9.0.0 and up)

This set of instructions explains how to configure a non-default path location for Management and Orchestration and CxSAST component data (i.e. kahaDB). This can be performed in order to withstand hotfixes and upgrades and can be achieved by changing the component data file path in the associated component ‘.xml’ file with a new data file path.

Changing the Management and Orchestration and CxSAST Component Data File Location

  1. Locate the ‘activemq.xml’ file under C:\Program Files\Checkmarx\Checkmarx ActiveMQ\conf). For this example, the kahaDB ‘activeMQ.xml’ file is used.
  2. Open the ‘activeMQ.xml’ file and define the <kahaDB> key with the desired path.

    In case of ActiveMQ cluster environment, this new path should be defined for all ActiveMQ instances.
  3. Restart the ActiveMQ.