Analytics Results (OData) API - Request Errors

The following errors may occur during request submission:

Error CodeError MessagePossible Reason
400"The property 'id', used in a query expression, is not defined in type 'cxanalytics.Project'"Querying property that is not defined correctly in the object (API is case sensitive).
400"The system query option '$filter' has not allowed value, verify your query"Violation of the Odata syntax
401"Token is not authorized"Token is not authorized
405"The entity's resource is not supported, please use: DbSources, Projects, SastScans, SastResults, OsaScans, OsaLibraries, OsaVulnerabilities"Requesting entities that are not DbSources, Projects, SastScans, SastResults, OsaScans, OsaLibraries, OsaVulnerabilities